November 20, 2012

They are AWESOME!

Yes they absolutely are! I love them so much, can't live without them for sure! Writing a list all about them though words aren't enough to justify who they really are! they are my brothers, my Heros!

Brothers are very special, life-long friends <3 We share the sweetest memories and the funny stories!

I have three great brothers: Assim the Financial Analyst ;) Azzam our future Lawyer and Abdulrahman... 8 years old wise man!

Here is a list about Assim/Azzam/Abdulrahman:

1. When I think about you I smile...ummm I LAUGH :D
2. I can't remember my life before you were born - Assim and Azzam.
3. Your birth changed my life - Abdulrahman.
4. You and I both know each other deeply.
5. I'm never bored around you.
6. I can be myself around you.
7. I can trust you with my life!
8. If I need something I'll come to you first and if you need anything I can't say no <3
9. I trust you all with my kids and .... you know ;)
10. I'm always proud of you!
11. You made a difference in my life.... I love you <3
12. I can write a book about you :P haha!

I truly wish that Ahmed and Osama share the special bonds that we do when they grow up!